Tips and Tricks: How to block the Ad-Tracking on the Android devices preemptively

According to our latest message, the Google will begin blocking advertisers and developers from accessing a device’s advertising ID if users opt-out of personalized ads later this year, mirroring the controversial changes that Apple introduced in iOS 14.5. While you’re waiting, though, you can opt-out of personalized ads right now on all Android devices by preemptively turning off ad tracking.

Advertisers adopt your unique advertising ID to create personalized ads based on your internet browsing history, app usage, and other activity—it’s why you seem to get eerily accurate ads across every app you use. Companies also use these IDs to collect data on how people use their software and services—and their competitors’.

It’s easy to turn off personalized ads on your Android smartphone: just toggle on the “Opt-out of Ads Personalization” setting. Whereas, the setting is located in different places depending on your device’s manufacturer and Android OS version, so finding it may be difficult if you don’t already know where it is.

1.For most phones, the option is in the Settings app under Google > Services > Ads.

2.Other devices may have it under Settings > Privacy > Advanced > Ads.

3.Provided your phone has the Google Settings app installed, you can find the option in the app under Services > Ads.

4.If none of those work, search for “Opt-out of Ads Personalization” with the search bar in your Android device’s settings app and it should appear.

Once you find the “Opt-out of Ads Personalization” setting, tap the slider to toggle it on (make sure it’s blue). While your advertiser ID won’t be hidden until Android 12 and the Play Store update roll out later this year, it’s still worth enabling the setting now to prevent tracking as soon as possible—and it stops you from seeing personalized ads in your apps.