It can run Win11 and Android: The realme enters the laptop field for the first time

Wang Wei, vice president of realme and president of realme global product line, warmed up the realme notebook.

Wang Wei said that the combination of realmebook and Windows 11 can run Android.

Xu Qi, former vice president of realme and president of realme global marketing, hinted that realmebook will meet with domestic consumers.

This laptop may be the first to debut in India.

It is not yet certain whether the realmebook is factory-installed with Windows 11 or Windows 10. In either case, this laptop will run the Windows 11 operating system.


At that time it will support Android applications.

It is reported that later this year, users will be able to find Android applications in the Microsoft Store and download them through the Amazon application store.

Microsoft said that it is taking measures to further open the Microsoft Store, to provide creators and developers with more profitable opportunities, and announced a gradual reform of the revenue sharing policy.

Application developers can introduce their own business models into the Microsoft Store and retain 100% of their revenue. Microsoft does not charge any fees.