Five creative ways to eat Nestlé MILO! Let you love MILO even more! Make you want to eat every day!

Nestlé MILO can be said to be a must-have “treasure of the town” for every household in Malaysia. It is a nutritious malt milk drink that both men and women love to drink! Start a beautiful day with a cup of warm Nestlé MILO every morning. It will not only replenish nutrition and energy, but also make you full of positive energy throughout the day, and you can get twice the result with half the effort at work or study! In the hot afternoon, have a cold Nestlé MILO cold drink, which is guaranteed to make you feel very cool immediately, super heat-relieving! Not only that, all kinds of Nestlé MILO classics have been circulated from before to now, I believe everyone has tried it!


[Nestlé MILO’s classic way to eat MILO like this since I was a child]

What are the most classic ways to eat Nestlé MILO, which is called “Malaysian National Drink”? Quickly follow the editor and look down, what have you tried?

✔️ Nestlé MILO hot drink with crackers

Soak a cup of warm Nestlé MILO, then take a few slices of salty and crunchy crackers, soak them in Milo’s hot drink for a while, let the crackers absorb the sweetness of Milo, and then quickly eat them before they soften! hmmm… just imagine it will make the population drain! Such a perfect match, I believe that all Malaysians love it!


✔️ Nestlé MILO powder eaten raw

Yes, eating Nestlé MILO powder raw should also be everyone’s childhood memory! While my mother was soaking Milo, I secretly put some Milo powder on my mouth with my fingers. The rich flavor of Milo is absolutely memorable!


✔️ Nestlé MILO Ice Bar

After letting the hot Nestlé MILO cool down, pour it into an ice stick bag, tie it tightly and put it in the refrigerator to freeze, the simple and delicious homemade Nestlé MILO ice stick is complete!


After reading the classic eating methods above, do you recall your childhood memories? In fact, in addition to these classic eating methods, Nestlé MILO also has a variety of creative eating methods, which will definitely surprise everyone! Not much to say, now I recommend five creative ways to eat Nestlé MILO, and teach you how to eat Nestlé MILO in different ways!

[Five creative ways to eat Nestlé MILO, Milo Control must learn! 】

Milo fans come here! Don’t drink MILO alone, now I will teach you how to unlock various MILO creative ways! I promise to make you fall in love with MILO again~

1 MILO® Peanut Butter Milkshake | Milo Peanut Butter Milkshake

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Prepare materials:

MILO powder 30g
Cold milk 80ml
2 teaspoons granulated peanut butter
Celery sticks (for garnish)

1. Put all the ingredients in the food processor and stir until smooth, and use celery sticks as decoration and enjoy!


2 MILO® Avocado Milkshake | Milo Avocado Milkshake

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Prepare materials:

MILO® 3 IN 1 package 1 piece
30g ripe avocado pulp
Cold low fat milk 80ml
1 cup of ice cubes

1. Put all the ingredients into the food processor and stir until thick.

2. Pour into a glass and enjoy.


3 MILO® Cinnamon Banana Smoothie | Milo Cinnamon Banana Smoothie

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Prepare materials:

Cold low fat milk 150ml
Frozen banana 50g
Vanilla extract 1/8 teaspoon
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon sticks
Ice cubes (may not put)

1. Put all the ingredients in the food processor and stir until thick.

2. Pour into a glass and enjoy!


4 MILO® Rainbow Smoothie | Milo Rainbow Smoothie

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Prepare materials:

MILO® KOSONG packaging 1 piece
Hot water 60ml
Cold strawberry milk 100ml
Strawberry (fresh or frozen) 60g
Mini marshmallows (for decoration)

1. Mix MILO® with hot water evenly.

2. Pour the strawberries and strawberry milk into the food processor and stir.

3. Pour the MILO® hot drink into the glass, then pour the stirred strawberry milk. Finally, decorate with marshmallows!


5MILO® Minty Cocoa | Milo Minty Cocoa

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Prepare materials:

MILO® 3 IN 1 package 1 piece
8g fresh mint leaves
Cold water 100ml
4 ice cubes

1. Put all the ingredients in the food processor and stir until smooth.


Nestlé MILO can be said to be one of the indispensable foods for Malaysians. It is a must for every family! Whether it’s the classic or creative way of eating, you absolutely can’t stop it, you want to have a cup every day! Take a look at how many Nestlé Milos are left at home, and go to major supermarkets or online to buy more packages or cans of Nestlé MILO now!


click here to buy